To What Level to Learn a Language: 8 Reasons to Reach Intermediate Level
It is said that knowledge has a beginning, but no end. And yet you don’t want to study endlessly, so sooner or later every language learner asks the question “To what level should I learn a foreign language?”. Let’s answer this question and present 8 good reasons why you should reach the intermediate level of knowledge, which in the international system is called Intermediate.
To what level to learn a foreign language: 8 reasons to reach Intermediate level
What level of foreign language should you personally study up to? The answer to this question depends on what results you want to achieve: to communicate at a basic level or to speak fluently on any topic, to understand only inscriptions in a foreign language or to read bestsellers in the original? Once you have specified your goal, look at the table of language levels and determine which level of knowledge will bring you as close as possible to realising your goal. That’s the one you need to get to. Does it seem that high levels are too difficult and unrealistic a goal? Then we’ll tell you about the gold standard for all students — the Intermediate level.
The Intermediate level is an intermediate level of knowledge at which the learner can communicate on a variety of topics and can almost completely understand everything that is said to him in a foreign language.
8 reasons to reach Intermediate level
1. Retain your knowledge in your memory
The better you know something, the slower you forget it. For example, if you studied English hard at school, even years later the rules (even if not all of them) will be stored in your memory. The situation is similar with a foreign language. At each stage, in addition to new information, you repeat passed materials, so by the end of the intermediate level, they are thoroughly fixed in your memory. Of course, if you do not use the acquired knowledge, they will gradually be forgotten, but what you have been doing for two years will remain in your memory longer than what you spent five months on.
2. Gain a solid knowledge base
At the end of Intermediate level you will know the basic grammar of the foreign language, and your vocabulary will be large enough to communicate on a variety of topics. You will be able to understand foreign speech by ear and read general texts. In general, the intermediate level will allow you to feel quite confident in a foreign language.
3. Invest your money profitably
As you know, the most reliable and profitable type of investment is to invest in your own development and education. On average, you will need to spend at least two years to reach an average level of knowledge if you are learning a foreign language from scratch. Agreed, not much time will be spent, but sooner or later the language will come in handy for you.
4. Gain an advantage when looking for a job
More and more employers are requiring employees to know a foreign language. Most of them want their employees to be at least Intermediate level. So after completing this stage, you can significantly expand the circle of potential employers or even change your profession.
5. Take an important step towards gaining a prestigious certificate
If you have mastered English at an Intermediate level, then you have done about 75% of the work required to pass the exam. It would be a shame to miss out on such an opportunity, especially as employers of even small companies are increasingly demanding proof of English language skills from their employees. Such a requirement can be made by a manager not only at the time of hiring, but at any moment of your co-operation.
6. Feel confident when travelling abroad
If you are learning the language for travelling, a Pre-Intermediate level is enough for you: you will be able to find your bearings in a strange city, ask for help, make hotel reservations, etc. On the other hand, think about the fact that there may be unusual situations abroad in which it will not be enough to know elementary phrases. Therefore, for those who are frequent travellers and want to feel comfortable abroad, we recommend that you take Intermediate level. Moreover, at the end of this level, you will be able to communicate with foreigners in a foreign language, not just by speaking simple phrases in a hotel or navigating the city.
7. Continue learning on your own
You should always look to the future. Today you don’t want to study for a long time and it seems that understanding the basics of the language is the limit of your dreams, but after a while you may want to improve your level of knowledge. If you choose Intermediate level, you will have a solid base of knowledge that will allow you to learn on your own after a while and for free. The Intermediate level is a great place for creativity, as there are thousands of online resources for learning English on the Internet, and most of the materials are designed for students with an intermediate level of knowledge.
8. Find an incentive to keep going
Who among us does not want to know a foreign language perfectly? However, not everyone has the patience and motivation to go through the process of learning a language to Proficiency level. It is especially hard for those who are taking their first steps: it is psychologically difficult to start learning an unfamiliar language, progress is not immediately visible, so you often have thoughts of giving up. But at the intermediate level, you will discover at one point that you can use foreign language websites, read articles and books, understand news and lyrics of your favourite songs in a foreign language. After such achievements it will be a pity to quit your favourite language course, and you will get used to the teacher.
Foreign language learners should be patient and reach the intermediate level. Remember, a patient person can achieve anything he wants. In the book “Polyglot Notes. Practical tips for learning foreign language” (e-book and paperback) you will find a lot of useful information that will help you to lay a solid knowledge base, and later you will be able to reach the intermediate level faster. This book provides answers to all your questions, gives recommendations for solving problems faced by foreign language learners. The book “Polyglot Notes” will save you time and money, will give you a clear understanding of what and how to learn.